There was a lady who had this huge fabric business. She would travel out of the country and bring with her the finest fabrics and materials. Her store at the market was always stocked and filled up but she wasn’t getting customers, lovely fabrics piled on top of each other begging to be bought. Even her fellow fabric sellers who didn’t have half the fabrics she had were getting sold out and they would come to her shop to ask for more materials so they could sell to their customers. One day, Out of curiosity I asked her how she markets are goods and all she said was that she tells people around her, her neighbors at home, and her church members. Believe me when I say this woman had no single social media account or online presence, no flyers or banners, or anything of the sort.
Your brand is your identity, your reputation, and how the world sees you, branding is how you create your niche in a particular industry while Marketing is how you convert the brand into a money-making business. In the story I just shared, the woman had a good brand, she had quality fabrics, from the finest suppliers and her fabrics were so good even her competitors were buying from her, but her brand could have been doing so much better if only she had a solid marketing strategy.
Branding is how the world sees you are and marketing is how you build awareness. These two aspects of a business are both important and work hand-in-hand. You cannot successfully market an incompetent brand just the same way you cannot generate expected sales for a brand with zero marketing. Even though branding comes first, it is pointless if it’s not followed by a solid marketing tactic.
So many businesses have great products and services and yet they are not being patronized just because their marketing strategy isn’t result-driven.
So, if you are a business owner, you need to ask yourself three major questions
- Do you have a reputable brand?
- Is your brand getting the desired attention from your current and potential customers?
- Is there something more you could be doing for your marketing that you are not?
If you have answered these questions and you are convinced that you need help marketing your brand and growing your business, why not reach out to Cowebplus System Solutions, we know that your brand is how the world sees you and we will help you build your brand and grow your business.
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