wireless technology and its evolution

The evolution of wireless technology can be traced back to the early 1980s with the invention of the first generation mobile phones. Prior to this, people depended on public, conventional and wired payphones. Enabling technology for mobile phones was first developed in the 1940s but wasn’t widely available till the mid-1980s. While the transmission of speech by radio has a long history, the first devices that were wireless, mobile, and also capable of connecting to the standard telephone network are much more recent and came about through the increase in demand for more connections worldwide, mobile communications have had to advance rapidly to support more users.

Martin Cooper, an engineer at Motorola during the 1970s invented the first generation mobile phone while working on a handheld device capable of two way communication. This was a turning point in wireless communication as it led to an evolution of many technologies. The first generation of mobile network gained a lot of popularity and of course had many disadvantages due to limited technology. This led to the invention of the second generation communication system that came with a new digital technology for wireless transmission that was also known as Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM). This served as the basis for further developments in wireless standards.

With every invention arises more demands and better opportunities for improvements. This was exactly the case as wireless technology moved from the third generation with better features such as video calling, better web support, and higher quality 3D games to the fourth generation communication system which is an enhanced version of the 3G networks and had higher data rate capable of handling more advanced multimedia services. Some of the key features of the 4G included; enhanced security, reduced latency for mission critical applications, and high definition video streaming.

The recent invention and installation of the 5G-fifth generation communication system masts has been causing quite a stir among people, perhaps it is due to the coincidence of its development and the outbreak of Covid-19. Quite a lot of people believe that the radioactive waves from the masts of the 5G is causing people within its surrounding to lose their lives and is somehow linked to the outbreak and rapid spread of the Corona Virus. Could this be just another conspiracy theory or does this carry an atom of truth?

According to the international commission on Non Ionizing Radiation protection (ICNIRP), the international body that assess the health risks of radio broadcasts, THE 5G IS SAFE AND POSES NO THREAT TO HUMAN LIVES. For the first time in 20years, the Germany based scientific body has updated its advisory guidelines to help put people at ease. The guidelines were developed after a thorough review of all relevant scientific literature, workshops, and an extensive public consultation process.

Wireless technology has continuously evolved to meet increasing demands and higher specifications since the deployment of the first generation mobile networks. The 5G like others before it, is an advancement which will deliver ultra-fast internet and multimedia experience for users.  It has key features such as low latency, cost deduction for data, forward compatibility network and higher security and reliable network. Ultimately, the 5G is designed to make communication easier, faster and to also support massive data rate for internet of things. It is a ground breaking advancement that should be embraced.



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